CategoryTricks of Transparency in Colonial Modernity
Jasmine Rault
Justin Trudeau has fashioned himself the Truth and Reconciliation Prime Minister of Canada, promising to “deliver the fai..
Privacy in Public: Visualizing the Lives of Trans Youth through Tumblr Posts
By Jen Jack Gieseking
Scholars have long assumed that holding up the voices and stories of the marginalized allows them to be heard and..
Feminist Data Manifest-NO
In the summer of 2019, DREC co-directors, Jas and TL, joined a seminar on ‘feminist data’, convened by Patricia Garcia and Marika Cifo..
Delete Yr Account: Speculations on Trans Digital Lives and the Anti-Archival, Part I: Are You Sure?
By Cassius Adair
This June, my friend JB Brager published a great autobiographical comic called “Livejournal Made Me Gay” over at The N..
Delete Yr Account: Speculations on Trans Digital Lives and the Anti-Archival Part II: Turning Away
By Cassius Adair
So in my previous post I wrote some deep thoughts about self-deletion as a form of trans archival intervention, a digi..
Process Post: Nostalgia and Resonance
Process Post – Nostalgia and Resonance: Archiving Le Boudoir Collection (1994-2006)
by Itzayana Gutiérrez Arillo
Process Post: Macha, Where’s our Archive?
Macha“Macha” is an uncommon (compared to “marimacha”) and mainly derogatory way to refer to butch women or lesbians in Mexico. In Meras ef..
Praxes of Refusal
By Emily Simmonds in conversation with Dr. Max Liboiron
“Refusal is a generative stance, not just a “no,” but a starting place for othe..
Digital Hygiene: A Metaphor of Dirty Proportions
“We need to practice good digital hygiene to keep us healthy and safe.”
Kip Glazer, “A Quick Guide to Good Digital Hygiene.”
“One can’t ..
Introducing Wish You Would Hear
Introduction to Alex Tigchelaar’s Wish You Would Hear.
— T.L. Cowan & Jas Rault
DREC’s inaugural research story is from Alex Tigch..